Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw on Tuesday shared a video of the soon-to-be-launched Amrit Bharat Train and showcased its unique features. Amrit Bharat Express, being described as the sleeper version of the high-speed Vande Bharat trains, will be launched on December 30 by PM Modi.
In the video, he is seen inspecting the cabin of the train driver and then entering the coach of the train using a ramp. He also gives a glimpse of the tseats, toilets, and other facilities available on the train. Mr Vaishnaw mentioned that the train will save at least two hours on long routes due to its advanced technology and improved acceleration.
“Amrit Kal ki Amrit Bharat Train,” wrote the Union Minister while sharing a video on X.
Watch the video here:
अमृत काल की अमृत भारत ट्रेन! pic.twitter.com/yegGEydJU5
— Ashwini Vaishnaw (@AshwiniVaishnaw) December 26, 2023
The train also features "push-pull" technology, which Mr Vaishnaw claims significantly increases the speed of the trains as well as passenger comfort. Besides, he said a lot of new features have been introduced for the comfort and convenience of passengers.
"Amrit Bharat train has better acceleration due to push-pull technology. This means that the vehicle accelerates quickly and also stops quickly, thereby saving time wherever there are curves and bridges on the way. It is equipped with semi-permanent couplers which eliminate the scope of shocks in the train. Charging points are provided near every seat. Special toilets have also been made for the disabled, with wide doors and special ramps," Mr Vaishnaw said after inspecting the train at the New Delhi Railway station, as per a PTI report.
"Total new technology has been used in engines. Like Vande Bharat, an absolute locomotive cab has been installed in Amrit Bharat train also," he added. The Railway Minister also mentioned that a lot of changes have been made in the design of train toilets in which minimum water usage is promoted.
He further informed that the technology used in Vande Bharat trains and the upcoming Amrit Bharat trains are made in India.
The inaugural journey of Amrit Bharat Express will be on the route of Ayodhya to Darbhanga. The minister added that after the flagging off of the train by PM Modi, the railway will conduct a general run of the train for four to five months to see if it causes any technical challenges.
The train to be launched subsequently will have a general class configuration going up to AC-II
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