Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw visited the revamped Gandhinagar Capital railway station in Gujarat for its inauguration today and shared a selfie on his Twitter account that showed its improved infrastructure. The railway minister clicked the image near the ticket counter, where a few staffers sat behind the glass separation waiting for travellers. The station, which was decorated with flowers, has been developed on a par with airports for enhanced public satisfaction. Mr Vaishnaw said the railway station was rebuilt with an aim to fulfill the aspirations of the country.
The Gandhinagar Capital is India's first redeveloped station, boasting modern facilities like a luxury hotel, theme-based lighting and an interfaith prayer hall. It will also house a luxury hotel on the top floor, making it the first-of-its-kind station in the country.
Mr Vaishnaw was visiting the railway station for inspection before Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated it virtually and flagged off two trains this afternoon. The Union minister said this station will make the whole country proud and every brick of change is building a self-reliant India.
Mr Vaishnaw said he took a tour of the station with Junior Railway Minister Darshana Jardosh and discussed the project with officials. He also shared a few images of the station.
The Twitter handle of the Ministry of Railways previously shared a video of the station that showed the “first look” of the platform area. The 37-second clip also gave a glimpse of the imposing building that accompanied the station.
The redevelopment plan was conceptualised in 2016. It was part of the ambitious project to transform railway stations into 24x7 transport and business hubs, called "Railopolis". The work on it started in 2017 and a special purpose vehicle was formed to do it. A PTI report cited the Railways as saying that the redeveloped station has been designed to handle 1,500 passengers in peak hours, and soon will house retail, food and entertainment outlets.