Waterlogging has been reported in parts of Bihar after sharp showers on Wednesday. Muzaffarpur, Vaishali, Sitamarhi and parts of capital Patna saw intermittent rainfall, according to the weather office. The latest forecast of the India Meteorological Department says, ''No heat wave is likely over any part of the country during next five days.'' Large parts of the country are witnessing light to moderate rainfall and a drop in maximum temperatures.
Scattered rain and thundershowers are expected in the eastern states of India including Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura, and the sub-Himalayan tracts of West Bengal on May 12-13, the Met office said in a tweet.
''In addition, there is a likely confluence of winds from the Arabian Sea and easterly winds at lower levels over northwest India during the next two-three days. Under the influence these systems, fairly widespread rainfall, thunderstorms, lightning and gusty winds are expected,'' the weather office said.
Hailstorms are very likely over the Western Himalayan region and widespread rainfall and thunderstorms are expected over the plains of northwest India during next two days, the IMD said.