A BJP MP's angry stand-off with the police over a hospital firing incident faced protests by the locals in Rajasthan's Alwar on Monday. The protesters burnt a dummy with Alwar MP Baba Balaknath's photo and backed the police after he threatened them with punishment.
A garland made of shoes was also put around the dummy as they raised slogans in support of the police. Videos from the protest also showed around 30-40 men taking out a footmarch with the dummy and hitting it with shoes.
"Baba, tumhara nakli chehra nahi chalega (we won't accept you fake image)," they shouted.
Mr Balaknath's supporters were called for questioning in the January 5 shootout case after one of the accused pointed to some of them meeting the suspects a day before the incident. Angered by his, the MP reached a police station in Behror to confront the cops but was stopped by barricades.
"I will make him pay for what he has done once the regime changes in nine months. I will ensure salvation for everyone," he had threatened the cops, including the Deputy Superintendent of Police Anand Rao. The MP left after the state police chief assured an investigation into the case within five days.
With "Balaknath murdabad" and "police administration zindabad" slogans, the locals expressed their support for the cops: "DSP, you continue with your job, we support you."
"You didn't get this job in inheritance, you got it because of your capability and talent. He got his job in inheritance. You continue without any fear, all Behror residents are with you for a fair probe," the protesters told Mr Rao with an apparent reference to the MP.
The DSP refused to comment on the threats but said the MP's behaviour was in front of the public.