The Rajasthan BJP chief got his dates and history completely wrong, when he said Humayun told Babur to respect cows if he wanted to rule India. Madan Lal Saini, on Wednesday at a meeting in Jaipur, claimed that when Mughal emperor Humayun was on his deathbed, he told Babur, to respect cows, brahmins and women if he wanted to continue ruling India.
"When Humayun was dying, he called Babur and told him - if you want to rule Hindustan, you must keep three things in mind - respect cows, brahmins and women," said Mr Saini, who is also a Rajya Sabha member.
Mr Saini, only seems to have missed that Babur was Humayun's father and not the other way round. Babur died in 1531, almost 25 years before Humayun died in 1556.
After a spate in mob killings over alleged cow smuggling, a number of BJP leaders have made headlines, with their remarks and suggestions of solutions on stopping lynching. Last Tuesday, a BJP lawmaker from Telangana, T Raja Singh Lodh had said mob killings will not stop till the time cows are declared Rashtra Mata (Mother of the Nation).
The lawmaker from Goshamahal in Hyderabad, in a video message, said he condemned the killings but if it has to stop, cow must be given due respect and urged leaders to raise the issue in Parliament. "I feel the war for gau raksha (cow protection) will not stop even if 'gau rakshaks' (cow protectors) are put into jails or bullets are fired at them," he said.
On June 23, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) leader Indresh Kumar said mob killings can be controlled only if people stopped eating beef. At a meeting of the Hindu Jagran Manch in Ranchi, the RSS leader said cows must be protected for violence to end. "Jesus was born in a cowshed and that is why in Christianity they talk of 'Holy cow'," said Mr Kumar.
The centre, last Monday, set up a ministerial panel and a committee of secretaries to see if new laws are needed to curb incidents of mob violence that have sparked nationwide outrage. Home Minister Rajnath Singh is heading the ministerial panel that will submit its report to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, based on the recommendations of a high-level committee led by the Union Home Secretary.
The move to set up the panels comes amid growing alarm over incidents of mob violence and killings across India. The latest one to provoke outrage was in Rajasthan's Alwar, where a man was killed on suspicion of smuggling cattle. The incidents have also fuelled sharp attacks by the opposition on the government in parliament.
(With inputs from ANI & PTI)
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