A key accused in the Rajasthan missing nurse case, Baldev Ram, has been arrested near Jodhpur. He is one of the three accused who kidnapped Bhanwari Devi, a midwife, who went missing nearly a month ago amid reports that she has a CD which shows her in a compromising position with Mahipal Maderna, the Health and Water Resources minister.
Last week, a court in Rajasthan ordered the police to investigate Mr Maderna for the rape and murder of Mrs Devi.
"I suspect my wife has been killed. I suspect the involvement of the state minister in her kidnapping," Amarchand, who is Bhanwari Devi's husband, had said.
The Rajasthan High Court had asked the police to name Mr Maderna in the FIR and to investigate him for charges of murder, rape and criminal conspiracy. The government had also asked for the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to handle the case. The High Court had also asked if this is because the police is incapable of a thorough inquiry. The court also attacked the state government for its "directionless probe."
Bhanwari Devi was last seen heading home from work on September 2. A missing complaint was lodged by her husband the next day. The complaint was then turned into a kidnapping case.
Last week, a court in Rajasthan ordered the police to investigate Mr Maderna for the rape and murder of Mrs Devi.
"I suspect my wife has been killed. I suspect the involvement of the state minister in her kidnapping," Amarchand, who is Bhanwari Devi's husband, had said.
The Rajasthan High Court had asked the police to name Mr Maderna in the FIR and to investigate him for charges of murder, rape and criminal conspiracy. The government had also asked for the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to handle the case. The High Court had also asked if this is because the police is incapable of a thorough inquiry. The court also attacked the state government for its "directionless probe."
Bhanwari Devi was last seen heading home from work on September 2. A missing complaint was lodged by her husband the next day. The complaint was then turned into a kidnapping case.
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