Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Friday said Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami is a batsman sent in to bat in the last over of a Twenty-20 match and expressed confidence that he will rise to the expectations of the people.
"Using cricket terminology, I can say Dhami is a batsman sent in to bat in the last over of a 20-20 match. He is a wonderful batsman. People of Uttarakhand have pinned their hopes on him. I am confident that he will rise to their expectations," Mr Singh, who was in Uttarakhand on Friday to unveil a statue and memorial of Veer Chandra Garhwali at the latter's village Peethsain, said in a tweet.
Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali, a Havildar Major in erstwhile Royal Garhwal Rifles is regarded across Uttarakhand as a hero of the "Peshawar kand" of 1930 when defying the British, he refused to open fire at unarmed Pathans who were fighting for India's freedom.
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