The unprecedented "drama" by the opposition in Rajya Sabha during the passage of the farm bills was an "attempt to confuse farmers", Union minister Rajnath Singh said on Sunday. "I'm also farmer, never believe government will hurt farmers," the defence minister said, appearing before the media with five cabinet colleagues to show the government's resolve to clear doubts over the bills and target the opposition over the chaos in the Rajya Sabha.
The two controversial, big-ticket bills, which triggered farmers' protests in several states, were passed amid unprecedented uproar by the opposition earlier on Sunday.
The opposition has alleged that the government lacked numbers in the Rajya Sabha and the breaking of rules and precedence helped them. More than 45 opposition MPs have filed a no-confidence motion against Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman Harivansh Singh.
"Let's assume what they are saying is correct, that they weren't heard, but even then is it okay to behave in a violent manner or to climb the chair or break the mic?" Rajnath Singh said.
"The misbehavior meted out to the Deputy chairman was unfortunate. Approaching his chair, tearing the rulebook, a situation like this has never happened in the history of Rajya Sabha or Lok Sabha," he said. "Their behaviour has hurt the dignity of the Parliament and is a reflection on themselves," the minister added.
The opposition MPs who rushed into the Well of the House after their demand for a Division of House was negated, had tried to tear up the rule book to underscore their point and tried to pull away the microphone.
In their letter to the Rajya Sabha Secretary General, they said the Deputy Chairman "attempted to have the bills passed in haste and without application of mind, circumvented all demands for proper voting by Division and violated all Covid-10 norms".
The MPs also alleged that the deputy chairperson did not allow many opposition members to speak or consider extending the session, which, owing to the safety measures imposed by the coronavirus outbreak, was to end at 2.