Chaos ensued in the Rajya Sabha today as the Bharatiya Janata Party's Rajasthan MP Kirodi Lal Meena introduced The Uniform Civil Code in India Bill, 2020 in the Rajya Sabha as a Private Member Bill amid fervent opposition. The Code seeks to do away with religion based personal laws.
Three motions were placed to oppose the Bill, stating that it would disintegrate the country and hurt its diverse culture, but were defeated through votes by 63-23.
After stiff opposition from several parties, Union Minister Piyush Goyal argued that it is the legitimate right of a member to raise an issue which is under directive principles of the constitutio. "Let this subject be debated in the this stage to cast aspersions on the government, to try to criticise the Bill, is uncalled-for," he said.
Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar then put the bill to a voice vote where the ayes were a majority with 63 votes against 23 opposing it.
A Bill with such wide ramifications on people's lives cannot be introduced without wide public consultation with various communities, an MP argued, according to legal news website Live Law.
CPI(M) MP John Brittas referred to a Law Commission report, which said a Uniform Civil Code is neither necessary nor desirable.
DMK's Tiruchi Siva said the very idea of Uniform Civil Code is opposed to secularism.
Samajwadi Party's RG Verma also opposed the bill, saying it's opposed to provisions of the Constitution.
BJP MP Harnath Singh Yadav gave a Zero Hour Notice in the Rajya Sabha to discuss the implementation of the Uniform Civil code in the country.
The Bill provides for the constitution of the National Inspection and Investigation Committee for preparation of the Uniform Civil Code and its implementation throughout India.
In the past, although the Bill was listed for introduction, it was not moved in the Upper House.
Every member can bring any Bill in the Rajya Sabha; four Bills are allowed per member in a session.
This is not Government's legislation.
Friday afternoons are marked for Private Member Bills.
Based on a ballot system, Bills are selected for introduction. Kirodilal Meena's Bill was selected in the ballot for today. Some 100 Private Member Bills are introduced every session, and they can be on any subject.
After introduction, this Bill goes to the list of pending Bills.
Another ballot system is then in place -- If this Bill gets selected in it, it would be taken up for discussion in the coming sessions.
The BJP had promised in its Gujarat manifesto to introduce the Uniform Civil Code in the state, and the Bill was introduced in the upper house just a day after their historic win in PM Modi's home state.
The BJP had in its 2019 Lok Sabha election manifesto also promised the implementation of UCC if it came to power.