The Congress has won two of three Rajya Sabha seats in Rajasthan, while the BJP won the third in the biennial election held on Friday. In Madhya Pradesh, the score was flipped where the ruling BJP won two and Congress one. The build-up to the elections, in which 24 seats from 10 states were at stake, was marked by a resurgence of resort politics, resignations, switching sides and allegations of bribery.
A comfortable majority in the Rajya Sabha is crucial for the BJP to pilot bills through the upper house. The NDA needs around 30 more seats to have majority in the upper house.
Here are the Updates on Rajya Sabha elections:
Abhay Bhardwaj, Ramilaben Bara and Narhari Amin from the BJP and Congress's Shaktisinh Gohil won the election in Gujarat. The Congress party had also fielded Bharatsinh Solanki for a second seat but he lost. Counting of votes for four seats in Gujarat was delayed as the Congress demanded that the Election Commission scrap two BJP votes on different grounds.
The ruling Congress won two of three Rajya Sabha seats up for voting in Rajasthan while the BJP won the third in the biennial election held on Friday. The score was flipped in Madhya Pradesh where the ruling BJP won two and Congress one. The outcome for the closely-watched contest in Gujarat is still awaited. The build-up to the elections, in which 24 seats from 10 states were at stake, was marked by a resurgence of resort politics, resignations, switching sides and allegations of bribery.
KC Venugopal and Neeraj Dangi of the Congress and Rajendra Gehlot of the BJP were elected to the upper house from Rajasthan without any cross-voting. The BJP had fielded a second candidate as well, Onkar Singh Lakhawat, but he lost.With this, the number of Congress party's tally in the Rajya Sabha from Rajasthan has increased to three, out of a total of 10. The other seven are BJP members.
In Madhya Pradesh, Jyotiraditya Scindia and Sumer Singh Solanki were elected on BJP tickets while Digvijaya Singh won from the Congress. The other Congress candidate, Dalit leader Phool Singh Barriya, lost the election. Samajwadi Party MLA Rajesh Shukla was expelled by his party for voting for the BJP.
The ruling Congress has won two of three Rajya Sabha seats up for voting in Rajasthan, while the BJP won the third on Friday. Congress' KC Venugopal and Neeraj Dangi are set to enter Rajya Sabha, while from the BJP, it wil be Rajendra Gehlot who will enter the Upper House. Read More
The coronavirus pandemic did not stop a Congress MLA in Madhya Pradesh from voting in the elections to 24 Rajya Sabha seats today. Covered from head to toe in a white protective jumpsuit, Congress MLA Kunal Chaudhary was among the last leaders who turned up to vote at the state assembly in Bhopal.
Mr Chaudhary has been tested positive for the highly infectious COVID-19.
His turn to vote came after at least 205 MLAs had already cast their votes. Mr Chaudhary, wearing personal protective equipment or PPE suit and carrying a mobile phone in his hand, walked into a room to cast his vote. Read
1. Polling for Rajya Sabha in Manipur Assembly over.
2. 52 MLAs have cast their votes.
3. Congress led new political formation Secular Progressive Alliance to meet Manipur governor Najma Heptullah at 5 PM.
4. BJP sources claim that as many as seven congress MLAs have cross voted in their favour
5. Hearing continues at Manipur High Court over urgent petition that Congress had filed over the Speaker's actions
Our heartfelt condolences to the families and loved ones of the soldiers who lost their lives in #Galwan: German Ambassador to India Walter J. Lindner
- ANI (@ANI) June 19, 2020
(file pic)
Madhya Pradesh: A Congress MLA who had tested positive for #COVID19, arrives at the state legislative assembly in Bhopal to cast his vote. Voting is currently underway for three Rajya Sabha seats of the state. #RajyaSabhaElection
- ANI (@ANI) June 19, 2020
MLAs of Meghalaya Democratic Alliance (MDA) are united & we are very sure to win lone Rajya Sabha seat: Meghalaya CM & National People's Party (NPP) Chief Conrad K Sangma after casting his vote at state Assembly.
- ANI (@ANI) June 19, 2020
MDA has fielded NPP leader WR Kharlukhi as its candidate.
Cast my vote for #RajyaSabhaElections...
- Ashok Gehlot (@ashokgehlot51) June 19, 2020
Meghalaya: Voting is underway for one seat of Rajya Sabha, at the state Assembly in Shillong.
- ANI (@ANI) June 19, 2020
Rajasthan: Three buses, carrying BJP MLAs, reach state legislative assembly in Jaipur ahead of the polling for #RajyaSabhaElection today. In the state, polling for three seats to be held.
- ANI (@ANI) June 19, 2020