The CBI has sought more time from the Delhi High Court to complete the probe against its former special director, Rakesh Asthana, in an alleged bribery case. The agency maintains that although it is trying to "complete the investigation as expeditiously as possible", the process of examining the probe report at various levels as per established protocol requires an extension of deadline.
A bribery case was filed against Rakesh Asthana on October 15, 2018, amid a public spat between him and then director Alok Verma before the government finally transferred both of them out. The Delhi High Court, which was hearing a petition from Rakesh Asthana for scrapping the case, directed the CBI on January 11 to complete the probe within 10 weeks. However, the agency moved the court to seek more time, following which it was given a deadline of May 31.
The CBI subsequently approached the high court to seek a three-month extension on October 9, to which the bench allowed two months with a stern warning that "no further time would be granted". The CBI's present request for deadline extension is the third in the case.
Sources in the CBI told NDTV that Satish Dagar - the investigating officer in the case - has already completed the investigation, and the probe report has been submitted to his supervisory officers for further checks. "As per CBI procedure, a probe report has to go through eight levels of examination and legal scrutiny before it can be filed in court. The report on Rakesh Asthana has cleared three levels of examination, and still has five more to go," a senior official with the agency told NDTV.
The report will be examined by several senior officials -- including Joint Director V Murugesan and Additional Director Praveen Sinha -- before it is sent to CBI Director RK Shukla for final clearance, another source said. "The process is almost done. The report will be filed in court once the verification and legal scrutiny is complete," he added.
Incidentally, three months ago, Satish Dagar had applied for voluntary retirement with effect from December 1. However, sources told NDTV that the government has rejected his request.
Rakesh Asthana was charged with criminal conspiracy, corruption and criminal misconduct under relevant sections of the Prevention of Corruption Act. Sources told NDTV that the officials who had filed the case against Rakesh Asthana in October 2018 were examined by the agency last month. This includes then Deputy Inspector General (Anti-Corruption) MK Sinha, who was shifted out of the CBI along with the two top officials.
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