The Mumbai Police on Wednesday filed a First Information Report or FIR against actor Alok Nath, 62, on allegations of rape by writer Vinta Nanda. "The Oshiwara police has registered an FIR against Alok Nath for rape on the complaint filed by Vinta Nanda," said senior police officer Manoj Sharma.
Earlier a sessions court in Mumbai had rejected the application by Alok Nath's wife, seeking an injunction order against Vinta Nanda, who accused him of rape and sexual harassment. The actor's wife appealed to the court that Ms Nanda be directed to refrain from speaking to the media or making statements against Alok Nath.
The actor has also filed a civil defamation suit against the Ms Nanda, after she accused him of sexual harassment. He had sought a written apology, along with a compensation of Re 1 and a restraining order against the writer-producer.
Alok Nath, accused in several #MeToo accounts, has been expelled by the Cine And TV Artistes Association (CINTAA) for not showing up before the executive committee in October. Previously, he had also refused to respond to a notice sent by the Indian Film And Television Directors Association (IFTDA) in connection with Ms Nanda's allegation that he raped her. Ms Nanda had revealed her #MeToo story in a deeply detailed and emotional Facebook post.
The actor, best-known for his roles as sanskaari bapuji in several films and television shows, has also been accused of harassment and sexual misconduct by actresses Sandhya Mridul, Deepika Amin as well as other women.
Alok Nath is just one of several film and TV personalities to be implicated in the #MeToo movement. The movement gained momentum in September, after actress Tanushree Dutta renewed a decade-old accusation of harassment against actor Nana Patekar. Filmmaker Sajid Khan, singer Kailash Kher, music composer Anu Malik and many others have been caught up in the #MeToo movement.
Not only people in the entertainment industry, may journalists including former editor and union minister MJ Akbar and top executives have been called out by women in the #MeToo movement
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