Assam police on Tuesday claimed to have solved the case of the mysterious deaths of the two minor girls whose bodies were found hanging from a tree in Kokrajhar district of the state last Saturday. "They were raped, murdered and then hanged from a tree to make it look like a suicide," they said. Seven people have been arrested in connection with the case so far.
"We have arrested seven accused into the case. Three of them had raped the minors and after killing them they hanged them to the tree. They have confessed to the crime. A Special Investigation Team (SIT) was formed on Sunday and within 72 hours, we have cracked the case," said Kokrajhar SP Prateek Vijay Kumar Thube.
Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma also took to Twitter to inform about the arrest of the accused.
"The rape and murder of two minor tribal girls have been solved.@lrbishnoiassam, IGP, BTR called me to inform about the outcome of the investigation. I have visited their residence on Sunday. Feeling extremely a sense of satisfaction that the Culprits have been identified," Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma tweeted.
The teenagers, 16 and 14, were found hanging from a tree in a remote village in Assam's Kokrajhar district, police said on Saturday. The Chief minister had visited the house of the two minor girls on Sunday and assured justice to the family. The minors were from the same family.