Ishita Shukla, the daughter of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Ravi Kishan, has joined the defence forces under the Agnipath scheme. It was announced by the central government in June last year to bring a change in the recruitment process of the armed forces. The scheme aims to enrol youth who will be called 'Agniveers' for a service duration of four years. Ravi Kishan has been sharing and thanking people who are posting the news about his daughter on Twitter.
The MP's daughter is 21 years old.
मेरे मित्र, वरिष्ठ भाजपा नेता एवं गोरखपुर सांसद श्री रवि किशन जी की बेटी इशिता शुक्ला को ‘महिला अग्निवीर' बनने पर हार्दिक बधाई! अब वह #AgnipathScheme के तहत एक सैनिक के रूप में Defence Force को जॉइन करेगी। बेटी इशिता की उपलब्धि देशभर के युवा के लिए प्रेरणा का स्त्रोत है। मैं…
— Dinesh Khatik (@MLADineshKhatik) June 27, 2023
Twitter users congratulated Ravi Kishan and praised Ishita for choosing a different career path despite being the daughter of a celebrity.
"On one hand, many leaders of the country want to make their children leaders and make their future in the politics, on the other, respectable @OfcRavikishann ji's daughter will serve the country truly by joining the country's army, I salute such a father," commented one user.
"One more achievement has been added to the good fortune of Gorakhpur. Hearty congratulations to Ishita Shukla, daughter of Gorakhpur's popular MP Shri @ravikishann ji, on becoming 'Female Agniveer'! Now she will join Defence Force as a soldier under Agnipath Scheme," said another.
The Agnipath Scheme was launched by the government on June 14, 2022. After initial protests and opposition, the Centre on June 16, 2022, extended the age limit for recruitments via Agnipath Scheme to 23 years from 21 years.
Earlier this month, the first batch of Agniveers of the Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry (JAKLI) were attested in a ceremony in Srinagar.
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