The marriage season has just begun in India. But not all weddings are taking place as per schedule. In some cases, it's because the grooms are not turning up to tie the knot.
Shyamsunder Rao, who is a marriage catering contractor is in a fix. Rao had bought sacks of basmati rice and other grocery items, worth over Rs two lakhs, to prepare for two marriages, that were to take place in the first week of November. But both marriages have been indefinitely postponed, the reason being, the NRI grooms didn't get back home to marry.
",Only reason is the foreign economy. NRI grooms because of not having job security are not able to come. So marriage is cancelled,'' said Shyamsunder Rao, Revathi Caterers.
In some cases, the groom lost his job after the marriage was fixed, putting the bride's family in a quandary. So, it is alarm bells that are ringing instead of wedding bells.
Shyamsunder Rao, who is a marriage catering contractor is in a fix. Rao had bought sacks of basmati rice and other grocery items, worth over Rs two lakhs, to prepare for two marriages, that were to take place in the first week of November. But both marriages have been indefinitely postponed, the reason being, the NRI grooms didn't get back home to marry.
",Only reason is the foreign economy. NRI grooms because of not having job security are not able to come. So marriage is cancelled,'' said Shyamsunder Rao, Revathi Caterers.
In some cases, the groom lost his job after the marriage was fixed, putting the bride's family in a quandary. So, it is alarm bells that are ringing instead of wedding bells.