This Article is From Nov 15, 2010

Resigned to avoid embarrassment to Govt: Raja

New Delhi: Yielding to relentless opposition pressure, Telecom Minister A Raja resigned tonight in the wake of the 2G Spectrum allocation scam.

47-year-old Raja met Karunanidhi in Chennai twice in the last 24 hours, before flying back to Delhi and went straight to the Prime Minister's 7, Race Course Road residence to hand
over his resignation letter. (Read: Who is A Raja?)

Here's the text of what Raja said after his meeting with the Prime Minister.

"My belovedleader discussed with me the issues. According to my leader's advice inorder toavoid embarrassing situation to the government, the running system of theParliament, leader advised me to tender resignation to the honourable PrimeMinister. In accordance with the advice that has been given to me by myrespected and beloved leader, Dr Kailagnar, I tendered the resignation to primeMinister. That does not mean I am accepting everything. I will prove that I dideverything in accordance with the law. I wanted to send out a message to thepeople  that as I promised inside the House and outside the House, Ibrought revolution in the Telecom sector. When I assumed charge the total telephoneconnection that existed in India was only 300 million, out of my efforts andendeavours, today the teledensity the total telephone connection is 729million. When I assumed charge the whole India call rate was Rs 1.60 paisetoday it has come down to 40 paise and intra circle call for 25 paise, this isthe achievement that has been done. I am committed to people, to country. Iwill prove my conscience is very clear, I am very satisfied, I did much to thepeople to the country to the party and to nation."
