This Article is From Aug 01, 2014

Response Will be Immediate if There is Provocation from Pakistan, Says New Army Chief

Response Will be Immediate if There is Provocation from Pakistan, Says New Army Chief

Lieutenant General Dalbir Singh Suhag addresses media in New Delhi.

New Delhi: After taking over as the new chief of the Indian Army, Lieutenant General Dalbir Singh Suhag received a guard of honor at the Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate in New Delhi on Friday morning. He addressed the media in a short press meeting.

Here are the highlights:

  • It is a matter of great honor for me to lead the bravest and the finest army in the world.
  • I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the government for reposing faith in me.
  • I am also grateful to my illustrious predecessors whose vision and astute leadership contributed to make this army what it is today.
  • I firmly believe in the adage that what ultimately matters is the man behind the gun. My focus therefore will be my soldiers.
  • I will ensure that our soldiers are motivated; that they are comfortable, competently led and trained and provided with latest weapons and equipments required for the assigned task.
  • My focus area would be to enhance operational preparedness and the effectiveness of the Indian army, force modernization, infrastructural development, optimization of human resources, welfare of service soldiers and ex-servicemen - these are issues that are close to my heart.
  • Response will be immediate if there is a provocation fromPakistan.
