Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on Thursday used a cricket analogy to vent out his frustration at the loss of his party in the Lok Sabha elections. The leader, who is leading in his constituency by a massive margin, said he was feeling like a batsman whose team lost despite him hitting a century.
"As my lead nears 50,000 with 72% counted, I feel like a batsman who has scored a century while his team has lost! It's a bittersweet emotion I will take some time to reflect on," he tweeted.
The BJP is set to win the Lok Sabha elections with a massive margin as the leads suggest the party will easily achieve the halfway mark and even cross the 300 mark.
The BJP will manage to keep its core states - the Hindi heartland, Gujarat and Maharashtra - while posting fresh victories in Bengal, Odisha and the northeast. It has also scored a huge win in Karnataka - a state the Congress rules jointly with HD Kumaraswamy.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated the BJP's win to the country.
"Together we grow. Together we prosper. Together we will build a strong and inclusive India. India wins yet again! #VijayiBharat," PM Modi tweeted.
BJP chief Amit Shah today said the massive win is the victory of PM Modi's development and the people's trust in him.
"This victory is India's victory. This is the victory of the hopes of youths, the poor, and farmers. This massive win is the victory of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's development and the people's trust in him. On the behalf of crores of BJP workers, I congratulate Narendra Modi," Mr Shah tweeted.
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