This Article is From Sep 15, 2010

Rethink on Babri judgement?

Lucknow: 60 years after the Babri Masjid dispute was first dragged to court, the Allahabad High Court was to deliver a judgement September 24, on what stood on here first - the Ram Janmbhoomi or the Babri Masjid.

But Ramesh Chandra Tripathi's intervention has forced a last-minute rethink on whether delivering the Judgment. ''I have requested the court, that once before the judgment, all sides should sit down and peacefully have a dialogue to find a solution to the crisis," says Tripathi, who is a defendant in the Bari Title suit. Tripathi worries that the outcome could plunge the nation into a law-and-order crisis.

But for many this is yet another roadblock in a case that has dragged on for six decades. ''He is just creating a hindrance in the judicial proceedings. We think this is a collusion, and by the connivance of someone, who wants to interfere with the proceedings,'' says Ranjana Aginihotri, who's the counsel for the Hindu parties in the case.

But, one of the judges on the 3-judge special bench hearing this case is set to retire at the end of this month. If the verdict is not delivered by then, the bench has to be reconstituted and the case must be heard all over again

The court has summoned all stakeholders in the case, for a solution. If an agreement is not reached by Friday, then perhaps, the judges may have no choice but to deliver the judgment next week.(Read: Last attempt at reconciliation?) 