New Uttarakhand Chief Minister, the BJP's Pushkar Singh Dhami, waded into controversy even before he took oath because of a map of India he tweeted six years ago. The map, purportedly showing "Akhand Bharat (undivided India)" at some point in history, had missed out key parts of present-day India. Twitter users lost no time in digging out the post, pointing out that the Indian map, demarcated by a white line on the red "Akhand Bharat" background, left out parts of Ladakh and the areas currently occupied by Pakistan.
Misrepresentation of the Indian map has landed many in trouble. Most recently, two police cases were filed against Twitter for carrying the distorted version on its website. Last year, Twitter had depicted Leh as part of China.
In February, the government had called out the World Health Organisation or WHO over the "wrong depiction" of India's map on its website. The world's top health body later put a disclaimer on its website.
In January, the British Broadcasting Corporation or BBC had apologised for the "mistaken use of an inaccurate map of India" and rectified it.
Mr Dhami, the state's third Chief Minister in four months, takes oath at 5 pm today. The 45-year-old was named for the top post yesterday after Tirath Singh Rawat resigned from the post amid infighting in the BJP state unit.
The BJP has denied any rift in the state unit.
The new Chief Minister has said he will turn the "challenge" of 2022 Assembly polls "into an opportunity".
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