In a horrific murder similar to the Shraddha Walkar case that grabbed national headlines, a 22-year-old woman was killed, and her body chopped into several pieces in Jharkhand Sahibganj district, police have said. They have so far recovered 18 pieces of the body and detained the victim's husband as a suspect in the crime. Some weapons suspected to have been used in the crime have also been recovered, police said.
The accused has been identified as Dildar Ansari. According to the police, the victim was the second wife of the accused, and she was killed as part of a conspiracy over marital discord as the first wife objected to Dildar Ansari's second marriage. The accused's family has confessed to killing her, police said.
The victim, Rubika Pahadin, was murdered, and her body cut into pieces and thrown in different places. The police swung into action late Saturday evening after a piece of human leg was found from behind the under-construction Anganwadi center in Borio Santhali area.
Speaking to the media, her elder sister said it was a 'love marriage' and that the accused husband told her he wasn't home at the time of the incident. "He told me his family members did it while he was out," she said, adding that she feels threatened and suspects his family would try to kill the rest of her family too. "We demand they be hanged," she said.
Rubika Pahadin had moved in with Dildar a month back.
During the investigation, a piece of the body kept in a sack was found in a closed house nearby. Local Superintendent of Police Anuranjan Kispotta, along with a team, reached Borio police station at night for further investigation.
According to the police, some people killed Rubika Pahadin and threw pieces of her dead body in several places to hide the evidence. A sniffer dog was called from Dumka to help locate the body parts. Some people have been arrested after investigation, and the police are interrogating them at an undisclosed location. Doctors were also called from the district headquarters to examine the human organs. All the body parts are being packed and will be sent for forensic examination.
Police have been deployed in the locked house from where the human body part was found. "In view of the possibility of breach of peace, several police personnel have been deployed in Borio," police said in a statement.