This Article is From Mar 18, 2012

Rushdie targets young leaders like Akhilesh and Rahul Gandhi

New Delhi: It wasn't just Imran Khan who received a bad review from writer Salman Rushdie. In addition to the Pakistani cricketer-turned-politician, Mr Rushdie tore into politicians who dropped out of the India Today conclave in Delhi, because of his presence.

The list of Indians who boycotted Mr Rushdie allegedly includes Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, Uttar Pradesh's new Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav and Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah.

"It's sad that leaders supposed to be the next generation are behaving in old-fashioned way.". Mr Rushdie said at the event. He also said, "I am impressed with my effect. Really, they're that scared of me?"

Mr Rushdie also targeted Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for what the writer described as his " party's useless electoral calculations" in Uttar Pradesh. The reference was to Mr Gandhi's attempt to win the Muslim vote by announcing a separate sub-quote that would reserve jobs and college seats for backward Muslim quotes.  "It didn't even work, Rahul," he said, referencing the Congress party's poor performance in the elections.

"It didn't even work. Years and years of kneeling down before every mullah you could find, It did not even work. Must feel sick."

Mr Abdullah responded within seconds on twitter to Mr Rushdie's remarks.

"Miss the conclave I'm afraid of an author. Come to Delhi & a communal clash breaks out in Jammu I'm incompetent. Honestly I'm glad I missed...I had a situation with the BJP VHP Bajrang Dal & others itching to inflame passions so I have no regrets about the decision to stay in Jammu...Plus Salman Rushdie doesn't even know I exist so do you really think he gives a toss whether I was there or not?? Get real :-)"