Instances of violence were reported in Kerala amid ongoing protests across the state after two women of menstruating age, the first ones after the Supreme Court ruling, entered the Sabarimala temple on Wednesday. Last night a crude bomb was thrown at the home of a BJP lawmaker, V Muraleedharan in Kerala following a similar incident at a CPM leader AN Shamseer's residence. According to news agency ANI, 33 people were taken into preventive detention in connection with violence in Kannur district, last night and some 110 people were arrested. Since Wednesday, police have filed over 800 cases pertaining to to violence. While several Hindu outfits called for a state-wide shutdown, Kerala Chief Minster Pinarayi Vijayan has been vocal in backing the Supreme Court ruling and said his government will do everything in its power to follow the Supreme Court order that overturned a the ban on entry of women of menstruating age into the hilltop shrine of Lord Ayyappa.
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