This Article is From Aug 15, 2011

Salvage operation to refloat MT Pavit successful

Salvage operation to refloat MT Pavit successful
Mumbai: A mission to refloat the MT Pavit, on Monday, was successful. The ship which had run aground on Mumbai's shores, is now being taken to Gujarat.

On Sunday, rescuers they were able to tilt the ship at an angle of 35 degree to the shore. On Monday, two tugboats were tied to the ship. These tug boats were able to bring the ship into a perpendicular position - the ship had been stuck parallel to the shore.

Flying a Panama flag, the MT Pavit had drifted into Mumbai from Ras Al Madrakah in Oman, following engine failure and a flooding of its engine room, a fortnight ago. The ship had sent out a distress call to Britain's Maritime Rescue Coordination Committee (MRCC), following which the Indian Coast Guard authorities had organized a rescue operation. An Indian ship, MT Jag Pushpa, was diverted to rescue the 13 crew on board the Pavit and they were taken to Sikka port in Gujarat.

Defense Minister AK Antony had ordered a review of coastal security, as to how the ship had been able to drift into Mumbai undetected.    
