As she filed her nomination for the Rajya Sabha, Mayawati revealed the details of her wealth. 111 crores, up by 24% in two years. She owns 308 carats of diamonds, a kilo of gold, two shops in Connaught Place in Delhi, a 60-crore house on Delhi's posh Sardar Patel Marg and a gun worth Rs 5000.
The Samajwadi Party wants to know how she's made this fortune. It has asked for an inquiry by the Enforcement Directorate.
The results for the elections in UP were announced last week. The state voted overwhelmingly for the Samajwadi Party, a victory attributed to its young leader, Akhilesh Yadav, who will be sworn in as chief minister tomorrow. Mayawati was crushed - she won less than half of the seats she had managed in 2007 when she was voted into power.
Mayawati and Akhilesh's father, Mulayam Singh Yadav, have starred in one of the country's most bitter political feuds. In 1993, they partnered to form the government. That relationship ended in an early and unhappy divorce, and the government crashed.
The Samajwadi Party wants to know how she's made this fortune. It has asked for an inquiry by the Enforcement Directorate.
The results for the elections in UP were announced last week. The state voted overwhelmingly for the Samajwadi Party, a victory attributed to its young leader, Akhilesh Yadav, who will be sworn in as chief minister tomorrow. Mayawati was crushed - she won less than half of the seats she had managed in 2007 when she was voted into power.
Mayawati and Akhilesh's father, Mulayam Singh Yadav, have starred in one of the country's most bitter political feuds. In 1993, they partnered to form the government. That relationship ended in an early and unhappy divorce, and the government crashed.
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