Maharashtra Minister and Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Nawab Malik on Monday gave a complaint to the Vigilance department of Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIT) against ex-Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) officer Sameer Wankhede, saying that he "is holding a Permit Room and Bar License in his name from 1997 onwards till date."
"Wankhede is holding a Permit Room & Bar License in his name from 29th Oct 1997 onwards till date...," reads the letter.
The complaint further read, "Is a Central govt servant eligible to hold and operate a Permit Room and Bar License in his name? Please take a note of facts, of administrative misconducts... and conduct proper Inquiry in the matter (sic)."
On Sunday, Nawab Malik had alleged that some influential BJP leaders from Maharashtra are lobbying for Mr Wankhede for the further extension of his tenure, which came to end on December 31 last year.
Mr Malik alleged that Mr Wankhede was deliberately planting some news and is also, deliberately saying that he does not want an extension.
He further alleged that the former NCB officer continued his wrongdoings despite a series of exposes by him and they are still trying to trap innocent people.
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