Former Trinamool Rajya Sabha lawmaker and an accused in the Saradha chit fund scam, Kunal Ghosh claimed "moral victory" on Tuesday that six years after he was arrested, the man who put him behind bars, Kolkata Police Commissioner Rajeev Kumar, was compelled to sit across the table with him and answer questions.
"After six long years, Mr Kumar had to be sit with me. So basically, personally, it is my moral victory but related to the overall situation, I have just been the observer of a development," Kunal Ghosh said.
"I felt very bad to see the IPS officer who is commissioner of Kolkata Police being grilled by the CBI. He may not have felt bad when I was grilled six years ago. But I was sorry to see his condition," Mr Ghosh added.
The police has not responded to comments by Mr Ghosh, but sources said, "What's his credibility? He was arrested and was in jail for long, in CBI custody. What he says has no value."
Mr Ghosh does not think so. He reiterated a request he earlier made to the CBI in writing. "I would like to be jointly questioned with Mukul Roy too," he said. Now in the BJP, Mukul Roy was Mamata Banerjee's right hand man when the ponzi scam erupted in April 2013.
In 2015, Mr Roy has been summoned and questioned by the CBI for suspected links with the chit fund scam but not arrested, unlike several other Trinamool leaders.
Mr Ghosh denied he held any grudges against Mr Kumar, but said he had filed a complaint with the CBI that Rajeev Kumar was trying to influence witnesses and people who have links with the case.
On February 10, some names came up during the face to face with Mr Kumar, Mr Ghosh said. On February 11, Mr Kumar said on record that he had telephoned some of those people named, Mr Ghosh claimed.
"This is nothing but trying to influence those people," Mr Ghosh said. Refusing to reveal the names, he added, "The names included police officers working under Mr Kumar in 2013, officers who were part of the Special Investigation Team or SIT in the ponzi case."
Both Mr Ghosh and Rajeev Kumar were made to sit face to face in Shillong on Sunday and Monday and questioned by the CBI.
Rajeev Kumar's questioning began on Saturday and will continue today for the fifth consecutive day.
Kunal Ghosh was questioned on Sunday and Monday and allowed to return to Kolkata.
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