The Andhra Pradesh CID, investigating the Satyam fraud case, has questioned some employees of the IT major and its subsidiaries.
A senior CID official told PTI in Hyderabad, ",As part of investigations, we questioned some Satyam employees and its subsidiaries. The questioning is a regular exercise.",
Meanwhile, Rajus' counsel Bharat Kumar told reporters that Venkat Gopal Krishna Raju, General Manager of SRSR Advisory Services, was illegally detained and he was falsely implicated in the Satyam fraud case.
He also said, ",It is a fact that employees of Satyam and its subsidiaries and other companies were being called up to the CID office daily and were detained for whole day. It is a regular affair after the state investigating agency began its probe.",
",CID showed the arrest of Gopal Krishna Raju on January 22 only after we approached the State Human Rights Commission, while he was in illegal custody since January 20,", Kumar alleged.
A local court will give its order tomorrow on a petition filed by CID seeking police custody of Gopal Krishna Raju.
So far, the CID has arrested six persons, including Ramalinga Raju in connection with the Satyam fraud.