Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi party Convenor Arvind Kejriwal today said he doesn't need to respond to the leaked videos of his minister allegedly enjoying special privileges in jail, as the "people will answer" in the upcoming civic body polls.
"MCD elections are becoming quite clear, it's BJP's 10 videos versus Kejriwal's 10 guarantees. Let's wait till December 4, people of Delhi will give a reply to all those videos," he said, soon after yet another video of Delhi minister Stayendar Jain chatting with guests and meeting the now-suspended jail superintendent in his cell surfaced.
Mr Kejriwal had earlier defended Mr Jain, saying his treatment in prison has been by the book.
"There were no VVIP facilities in jail for Satyendar Jain. All that he got was according to the jail manual. The man is eating roti, you ask why is he eating roti. What kind of politics is this?" Mr Kejriwal said at an NDTV townhall.
AAP has been fighting with its back against the wall as BJP leaders flood social media with security camera footage almost every day to bolster their allegation that AAP, which rallied against corruption and 'VIP treatment', is in fact indulging in the same. They accuse Mr Jain of enjoying special perks while awaiting trial.
Mr Jain was in earlier videos seen getting foot and body massage by a man inside his cell, and chatting with other inmates, none of which is allowed inside the prison. He was also seen eating fruit salad, bringing his complaint on food quality in jail under question.
In today's leaked video, Mr Jain was seen relaxing in his bed when he is visited by three people in casual clothing. A few minutes in, Ajit Kumar, superintendent of jail number seven at that time, walks in and interacts with Mr Jain while the rest walk out.
The clips started surfacing days after the Enforcement Directorate accused Mr Jain, who was arrested in a money laundering case, of getting special treatment inside Tihar Jail. The "VIP treatment" allegation led to the transfer of at least 12 Tihar jail officials besides the Director General (prisons), Sandeep Goel.
Mr Jain has been in jail since June. A Delhi court denied his bail request last week.