Bengaluru South MP and BJP Yuva Morcha president Tejasvi Surya on Sunday asked political parties to unite to save the 'Sanatana Dharma', saying attempts are being made by "some forces with an agenda" to stop traditional games such as "Jallikattu" and "Kambala".
The 33-year-old MP was speaking on the second day of "Kambala", the slush track buffalo race that is held in coastal Karnataka and Kasaragod in Kerala. "Kambala" is being held in Bengaluru for the first time.
"We have seen today that some forces with various agendas are going to the courts and doing many things to stop our traditional games such as "Jallikattu" and "Kambala"," Mr Surya said.
He said parties should rise above political differences and unite to protect "Jallikattu", "Kambala" and the celebration of our festivals "because our 'Sanatana Dharma' can be saved only if we save these games." According to the organisers, 178 participants and their buffaloes are taking part in the event.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)