Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday asked senior state officials to fix accountability of employees and said delay in delivery of services won't be tolerated. The Chief Minister ordered that all heads of departments should make surprise inspections to check cleanliness in office, files pending for disposal, attendance of staff and their punctuality, a statement said.
With good governance being an important narrative in the just-concluded assembly elections, Yogi Adityanath at the very outset of his new term stressed on faster delivery of services.
Since physical classes had not been taking place in schools across the state for the past two years, Yogi Adityanath instructed officials to launch a comprehensive "School Chalo Abhiyan".
He said the campaign must be planned in consultation with the minister concerned to ensure not a single child is deprived of schooling. The Chief Minister told officials to ensure that children come to school in proper uniform, considering that the money for uniforms was deposited in the bank accounts of their parents.
With the summer temperature rising, Yogi Adityanath told officials to make arrangements for water in all 75 districts in the state.
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