In a stern action, Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana on Saturday ordered Dwarka DCP Shankar Choudhary's removal from duty with immediate effect after his involvement was alleged in a ruckus at a south Delhi bar.
A woman suffered injury in her head from a shattered glass during a private birthday party Friday night. Her husband later called police and alleged the involvement of the deputy commissioner of police (DCP), according to a general diary entry.
The woman later claimed the officer's name came up due to a "miscommunication". In a purported video, she said the matter was personal and has been resolved.
Police initiated an internal inquiry into the matter.
In an order, Mr Asthana's office said, "Shankar Choudhary, IPS:2011, is hereby relived from his duty as DCP/Dwarka, Delhi with immediate effect and directed to report to Police Headquarters for further orders." According to the police, information was received at Greater Kailash police station that a DCP-rank officer of the Delhi Police had assaulted a woman at a birthday party in a private club in Kailash Colony.
According to the police, the woman was injured after a broken glass fell on her. Due to a miscommunication, the name of the DCP cropped up.
The matter has been resolved as it was a family issue, the police added.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)