The Collector of Cuddalore district in Tamil Nadu took prompt action and got the floor of a post-natal ward in a government hospital fixed after NDTV sent him a video of a rat infestation for a comment.
In what could have been a nightmare for new mothers and their babies, a video recorded by an attendant at Cuddalore's Virudhacalam government hospital shows a rat burrowing in the floor right under a cot - merrily going in and out of the hole - even as mothers are seen nursing their newborn in the postnatal ward.
There were telltale signs that this could be a make shift ward including a small unfinished concrete structure protruding above the floor in the hall.
The rat had made a home for itself right where the floor tile appeared to have given way.
When NDTV shared the video with Cuddalore Collector Chandra Sekhar, he assured to get back after checking. In around 90 minutes, he shared a video of a man fixing the tile and levelling the floor.
Mr Sekhar further explained that this was not the hospital's designated postnatal ward, which was converted into an isolation ward for Covid-positive mothers. Hence, another hall has been temporarily turned into a postnatal ward, he told NDTV.
"This hole was probably made in the past two days. It has now been filled. I have asked them (hospital authorities) to meticulously search for any other holes (which rats could use to burrow) and close them. I have warned the housekeeping and nursing staff to stay alert in the future," the Collector added.
Cuddalore Joint Director, Health, clarified that the hole was made while fixing a motor and was closed. "We will take all precautions to avoid any such lapses in the future," he said.
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