The Nagpur police have arrested a serial burglar, who once stole from gangster Chhota Rajan's home in Mumbai, and his aide from Hyderabad over a theft at a businessman's house in Nagpur, an official said today.
Accused Mohammad Salim Mohammad Habib Qureshi, 51, faces over 200 cases. Originally from Mumbai, he has been living in Hyderabad for the past many years, the official said. Salim's accomplice Shabbir, alias Sabir Jamil Qureshi, 32, is a resident of Mumbai's Govandi area and is named nearly two dozen crimes.
The two allegedly stole cash and jewellery worth about Rs 18 lakh from the home of a local businessman on March 26, the official said.
Working on CCTV footage and other inputs, the police tracked down the two to Hyderabad and arrested them on Tuesday. The accused told the police that they had sold the stolen jewellery to a bullion dealer in Mumbai, he said.
Several years ago, Salim had struck at gangster Chhota Rajan's home in Mumbai and stolen cash and jewellery worth Rs 4-5 crore from there, the official said.
After Rajan's gang members fatally shot Salim's accomplice in that crime, he fled Mumbai and started living in Hyderabad, he added.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)