This Article is From Dec 07, 2011

Sharad Pawar retaliates after Anna's 'just-one-slap' blog

New Delhi: Union minister Sharad Pawar has reacted sharply to Anna Hazare's comments about the attack that saw Mr Pawar being slapped last month at a public function.  "In the recent past, Shri Hazare by supporting the physical assault on me at a public function has given a new definition to the concept of Gandhism and non-violence," said the minister.  He added, "I have no objection to Shri Hazare expressing his thoughts regarding me or my actions. However, in the event of any further physical assault on me, it would be amply clear from where the instigation or encouragement for such acts emanates." (Anna blogs about the 'just-one-slap' controversy)

Mr Pawar also urged his supporters to remain calm. "While I am hurt at the vituperative views expressed by Shri Hazare, I would still appeal to all that his views or utterances should be addressed maturely and with restraint, and no one should indulge in any sort of retaliatory violence of word or deed," he said.

In a blog yesterday, Anna said he does not condone violence as a form of protest, but justified the controversial remark he had made minutes after Mr Pawar was slapped by a young man.  "Just one slap?" the 74-year-old had asked reporters.  In his blog, the Gandhian said, "I admit that I committed violence when I said that. But for the betterment of society, I do not consider this violence as wrong. Many politicians felt very bad about the slapping incident....but it is important to discuss as to why did that youth slap?"

Anna then went on to say that Mr Pawar, who is the Agriculture Minister, has an old habit of keeping the company of corrupt people." 