Congress leader Shashi Tharoor received a “special welcome” on his flight from Hyderabad to Thiruvananthapuram last night. "Spent most of the flight giving selfies," he said sharing a picture with "some young passengers" who walked up to him with autograph books.
Calling it “unexpected moments”, the parliamentarian wrote, “On my IndiGo flight from Hyderabad to Thiruvananthapuram last night, Captain Inderpreet Singh announced a “special welcome” for me and the passengers applauded. Spent most of the flight giving selfies. But some young passengers still came clutching autograph books."
IndiGo was among the first to drop a message under the post: "Thank you, Mr Tharoor. It was great to have the Wizard of Words onboard."
“You are a magnificent leader. You are humble, kind and intelligent," said a user.
Calling him a dynamic personality, another said, "Sir, you are such a dynamic personality. You mesmerised everyone. A man of great erudition."
Another declared that Mr Tharoor is the “king of hearts”.
Meanwhile, a user came up with a query: "Who carries autograph books nowadays?"
It was a "fan girl" moment for this user.
In the middle of this, a user came up with a witty reply to Mr Tharoor, who is known for his grasp on the English language and using rarely used words in his posts. He said, "I don't understand how I know the meaning of every word in this tweet."
Mr Tharoor is one of the key contenders for the Congress presidential elections. The 66-year-old filed his nomination for the post last week. The polling will take place on October 17 and the result will be out on October 19. Congress veteran Mallikarjun Kharge is contesting against Mr Tharoor.