This Article is From Jun 18, 2009

Shashi Tharoor on a thanksgiving mission

Thiruvananthapuram: From his campaign vehicle, Shashi Tharoor was heard to address the people of Thiruvananthapuram saying: "I am in Parliament to represent you and to take up your issues."

Shashi Tharoor was on a thanksgiving mission to his Lok Sabha constituency, Thiruvananthapuram. At every street corner meeting, he repeated the promise he made during his election campaign that he will change the face of Thiruvananthapuram.

Tharoor has identified an European city as the twin city of Thiruvananthapuram for technical cooperation, coastal area development, improvement of infrastructure facilities and cultural exchange. The name of the twin city will be revealed only after completion of all formalities.

"I only made promises which I believe, I can fulfill. I want to make a difference in the next five years in Trivandrum. There should be a legible difference otherwise certainly I cannot say that I have been a success," said Shashi Tharoor.

"He may not be able to fulfill all the promises. But we have full faith that he will try to do to the best of his ability," said a local.

"We know his mind he speaks well, we have all voted him. So we have full faith he will do something for us," said another.

Shashi Tharoor's job certainly does not end with thanksgiving meetings. His real challenge lies ahead when he gets down to the business of fulfilling the promises made to the electorate.

Tharoor's other promises include a High Court bench, a CBI special court and promoting Thiruvananthapuram as an international educational and research destination.