Congress leader Shashi Tharoor who is quite active on Twitter often shares glimpses of his personal life on the microblogging website. Recently, he shared a magnificent image of the Gopuram of the Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple taken during the autumnal equinox.
Notably, on the day of autumn equinox (or fall equinox, as it is sometimes referred to), the length of the day and night is equal - roughly 12 hours long. In the Northern Hemisphere, the autumn equinox marks the beginning of the autumn season. In the Southern Hemisphere, on the other hand, it is celebrated as Spring Equinox.
"Landed in Thiruvananthapuram on a special day - September 23, the autumnal equinox, is one of the two days of the year when the sun appears sequentially in each of the windows of the Gopuram of the Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple. Just amazing to think the Gopuram was rebuilt 260 years ago with none of today's technology available, and they got it perfectly aligned with the sun's course. This pic was at sunrise. The sun will appear in the fourth window at dusk, as it sinks into the horizon," the MP wrote while sharing the picture on X, formerly Twitter.
See the post here:
Since being shared, Mr Tharoor's post has amassed 1.4 million views on X. Social media users posted varied comments while reacting to the picture.
A user wrote, "Really Amazing. I have visited Shri Padmanabhaswamy temple but didn't know about this fact."
Another user commented, "Several of our temples have mind-boggling details and features that are difficult to demystify."
"Frankly, aligning with the sun is the easiest achievement that could be achieved without technology. It just needs you to wake up on time," the third user wrote.
"Incorporated in architecture and explained melliflously by you, adds to the glamour. It does look gorgeous and makes one wonder about the skills of the architects, the craftsmanship of the workers and the precision of design. Though the sundial was invented in 160-100 BCE and many architectures globally were influenced by it," the fourth user commented.
"This is mind-blowing sir, there must be some science behind it," the fifth user commented.