Senior Congress leader Shashi Tharoor and author Chetan Bhagat once again had an entertaining exchange on Twitter. It all started when Mr Bhagat shared a photo on Saturday of the two of them together from a recent event, and captioned it, “India has two kinds of English. 1) The Shashi Tharoor English. 2) The Chetan Bhagat English.”
Responding on Sunday morning, Mr Tharoor addressed Mr Bhagat and wrote that “it was a pleasure catching up” with him at the event, and then went on to add in his inimitable witty style, “Now how would you say that in Chetan Bhagat English?”
Here's the tweet:
My dear @chetan_bhagat, it was a pleasure catching up with you at the #ABPIdeasOfIndiaSummit. (Now how would you say that in Chetan Bhagat English?)
— Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) March 27, 2022
This exchange amused the duo's followers on Twitter. Here are a few responses:
One is english with a dictionary and the other without it.
— anil thomas (@anil317) March 27, 2022
Two poles of #English in one frame
— Vasundhar (@vasundhar) March 27, 2022
Shahsi Tharoor English: Reebok.|| Chetan Bhagat English: Rebook.
— Abbas Moulaey (@amoulaey) March 27, 2022
This isn't the first time the senior Congress leader and the author have engaged in banter on social media. A couple of years ago, Mr Tharoor had complimented Mr Bhagat on a newspaper report on the country's economy. He said that it was a “superb piece by Chetan Bhagat on all that ails our country and what we should do about it,” and went on to add, “His message is clear and I hope his fans in the government act on it”.
To that, an elated Mr Bhagat said that he was “floating” because “The Shashi Tharoor has praised Chetan Bhagat”. He also had “one request” for Mr Tharoor — “Just sir, next time can you use some big words to praise me, like ones that only you can do. Superb is nice but a big one would really make my day!”
Obliging in his characteristic fashion, Mr Tharoor responded and left the internet in splits. “It's clear you are not sesquipedalian nor given to rodomontade. Your ideas are unembellished with tortuous convolutions and expressed without ostentation. I appreciate the limpid perspicacity of today's column,” tweeted Mr Tharoor.
Mr Tharoor is known for his diverse vocabulary and delights his followers on social media with posts that include terms that are not commonly heard.
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