This Article is From Jul 05, 2013

Shocking mistakes in Maharashtra textbooks

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Mumbai: Mahatma Gandhi is listed as "Gandi." The Azad Hind Fauj founded by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose has been called 'Azad Hind Sena' and 'Azad Hind Army'.   And "Suez" has morphed,  rather incredulously, into "sewage."

These are some of the offerings of History and Political Science textbooks being used in for Class 10 students in Maharashtra's government and a number of private schools.

A textbook on History and Political Science uses an unacceptable term for African-Americans.  And spells it incorrectly.

School principals and teachers admit in private that the errors have not only created problems in teaching but it may result in students learning the wrong thing for life. But no one is willing to come on record fearing victimisation by the board.  

Disha Desai, a Class 10 student says, "I was studying a chapter in History where the teacher told us there was a year missing. The year given was 1864 when it should be 1866. So it's obvious there are many mistakes but it's okay."Prabuddha Lokhande, her batchmate adds, "Teachers face problems while teaching us but slowly the mistakes are being removed as we move from one chapter to another."

The Opposition in Maharashtra has demanded the sacking of the entire bureau in charge of the textbooks Madhav Bhandari, Maharashtra BJP Spokesperson said, "The text book preparation board must be scrapped. Or else we will take legal action."

The Leader of the Opposition in Maharashtra Legislative Council, Vinod Tawde, said the issue will be raised in the next session of the Assembly.

Repeated attempts by NDTV to contact the school board officials responsible for the textbooks remained unsuccessful.