Cauvery protest has reached the cricket stadium. During Tuesday's IPL match between Chennai Super Kings and Kolkata Knight Riders at the M A Chidambaram Stadium, two activists reportedly threw a shoe on the ground. The slippers fell near CSK fielder Ravindra Jadeja who was fielding at long-on, news agency PTI reports. The shoe missed Ravindra Jadeja and fell near the boundary rope when Faf Du Plessis and Lungi Ngidi were taking a stroll, say reports. The unpleasant incident occurred when the eighth over was in progress with the Kolkata Knight Riders batting.
The incident occurred after the pro-Tamil groups gave a boycott call of IPL in Chennai. Thousands of activists hit the streets, protesters forced fans out of their CSK jerseys. In some areas, some fans were also reportedly roughed up. After yesterday's incidents, remaining six IPL matches that were to be held in Chennai, have been moved out of the city, said sources in Indian cricket body BCCI. The new venue for the matches will be announced soon.
The shoe thrown in the stadium that almost hit Ravindra Jadeja, triggered several reactions on Twitter. While some fans apologized for the incident, some vented out in anger. Here's what cricket fans tweeted:
Actor Kasturi Shhankar tweeted the picture, with caption:
"Cringing. So Sorry @faf1307 , @imjadeja , @ChennaiIPL"
Cringing. So Sorry @faf1307 , @imjadeja , @ChennaiIPL .
- kasturi shankar (@KasthuriShankar) April 10, 2018
@imjadeja @faf1307 Sorry for the embarassing event that happened during yesterday's match. We CSK fans appologize for the act of stupidy by certain goons. We love you guys a lot. Dont lose love on us. We have a huge respect for u guys #CSKvKKR #WhistlePodu#ChennaiSuperKings
- VIGNESH (@vickyrcboy) April 11, 2018
We are very sorry @faf1307 and @imjadeja . Those are some fringe groups who did stupid things to garnish media attention. The people of Chennai as well as TN ALWAYS love you and ll always stand by our players no matter what. #WhistlePodu #CSKvKKR #OurPride @ChennaiIPL
- Murari Sridhar (@MurariSridhar5) April 11, 2018
"We fans feel Sorry for all those happenings near Chepauk Stadium.. @msdhoni @DJBravo47 @ImRaina @imjadeja @imShard @harbhajan_singh @DineshKarthik @ChennaiIPL," shared a user.
We fans feel Sorry for all those happenings near Chepauk Stadium... @msdhoni @DJBravo47 @ImRaina @imjadeja @imShard @harbhajan_singh @DineshKarthik @ChennaiIPL
- Aarthi S (@Aarthi_SRTS) April 10, 2018
Had the Chennai based avatar of Dhoni. But as a Chennai-ite and a Thamizhan, I pull it down & put an all black avatar, in protest/shame over the shoe throwing incident against Faf D Plessis & Jadeja in the #CSKvKKR match today. Endrendum Chennai veriyan, but this is just not on
- Ravi Sutharsan (@RaviSutharsan) April 10, 2018
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