Actor Shakti Kapoor's son Siddhanth was formally arrested on Monday evening for allegedly taking drugs during a party at a hotel in Bengaluru. The police said they acted on a tip-off and raided the party.
Here are five things to know about Siddhant Kapoor:
The police said they sent blood samples of 35 guests for medical tests and six of them - including Mr Kapoor's - returned positive. News agency PTI reported that five more people have been arrested.
Sidhanth Kapoor has appeared in 2020 web series 'Bhaukaal' where he portrayed the character of Chintu Dedha. He was also seen in films like 'Shootout at Wadala', 'Ugly', 'Haseena Parkar' and 'Chehre'.
Mr Kapoor worked as an assistant director in films like 'Bhagam Bhag', 'Chup Chup Ke', 'Bhool Bhulaiya', and 'Dhol'.
Siddhanth Kapoor was born on July 6, 1984, in Mumbai and studied film making and acting at the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute in New York.
The 37-year-old is also a professional disco jockey and he was invited to the Bengaluru hotel as a DJ, Dr Bheemashankar S Guled, Deputy Commissioner of Police (East Division), told NDTV.