The family of Mandeep Kaur, an Indian woman who died by suicide in the United States, has launched an online petition on seeking justice for her. Yogita Bhayana, who heads the group People Against Rape in India (PARI), is assisting Ms Kaur's family. The 30-year-old killed herself citing years of abuse by her husband "for giving birth only to daughters". Ms Kaur's father lives in Uttar Pradesh and has filed a case against her husband at the local police station.
In the petition, addressed to External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, Ms Kaur's family has demanded that her body be handed over to them in India. They have also sought severe punishment for Ms Kaur's husband and the custody of her two daughters.
"We could not save Mandeep's life but we can ensure that her daughters' futures are safeguarded," the petition says, seeking justice for Ms Kaur. More than 6,000 people have already signed the petition, which was started a day ago.
Before she died on August 4, Mr Kaur released a video in which she gave details about her ordeal. "It's been eight years; I cannot take daily beatings now," the woman was heard saying in the video that went viral and sparked off angry conversation about stigmas in the community.
Speaking in Punjabi, she accused her husband and in-laws of "forcing" her to die by suicide. "Daddy, I am going to die, please forgive me."
Ms Kaur and her husband Ranjodhbeer Singh Sandhu belonged to Uttar Pradesh and got married in 2015. He was working in the US as a trucker and she joined him three years later.
Her father told NDTV that Mr Sandhu had been torturing Ms Kaur for years, demanding a son. "But she said she won't leave him as she couldn't raise her two daughters. We understood."
Ms Kaur's family had expressed concern about her daughters and want them taken away from Mr Sandhu - something that the petition has also demanded.