Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K Palaniswami, DMK President MK Stalin and other political leaders of the state tweeted condolence messages after CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury's son Ashish died of COVID-19 on Thursday. The 34-year-old journalist was battling coronavirus for about two weeks and breathed his last at Medanta Hospital in Gurgaon. In a tweet, Mr Palaniswami said he was "extremely saddened by the devastating news."
"May you find strength to endure the loss and grief as a parent. People of Tamil Nadu grieve with you. My deepest condolences and prayers for the family," Mr Palaniswami wrote. MK Stalin, state Leader of Opposition, said he was deeply saddened and pained to hear about the loss of Ashish Yechury.
"I offer my heartfelt condolences to Comrade Sitaram Yechury, his family and friends at this difficult time," he said in a tweet. MDMK leader Vaiko, also a Rajya Sabha member, said "no words can take away the pain of losing a beloved family member...May the Mother Nature give you and your family the courage and strength to overcome this loss," Vaiko added.
PMK founder Dr S Ramadoss condoled the death of Sitaram Yechury and said he was "saddened" over Ashish's death. His son and Rajya Sabha MP Dr Anbumani Ramadoss and MMK leader Professor MH Jawahirullah also expressed their condolences.