This Article is From Jul 23, 2009

Snake holds up Orissa assembly


Snake charmers, sniffer dogs and wildlife activists descended on the Orissa Assembly after a cobra was spotted by housekeeping staff near the CM's chair.

"A cobra being spotted at the throne of the ruler is auspicious for the state. It will benefit everyone," said Pradeep Maharathi, MLA, BJD.

Forecasts and comments came from curious MLAs who gathered to watch the tamasha.

"I do hope the snake is found soon and that the democratic work of the legislature continues normally, which is very important," said Naveen Patnaik, Orissa Chief Minister.

Six hours later no snake was found! Only allegations that BJD sabotaged a crucial session that was to discuss the home department budget - a session that would not that have ended without some hard talk on the rising Naxal violence.

"Well if they cannot find anything, then naturally I need not have to say everybody will feel that it was just a ploy to avoid and to sabotage the Assembly proceedings," said Bhupinder Singh, leader of Opposition, Orissa Assembly.

Assembly stalled is serious matter. Not for the ruling party it seems. BJD quickly sent its out-of-city MLAs on a tour of Bhubaneswar. And if you are wondering what's happened to the snake, it might have taken a trip out as well.
