Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi greeted Congress president and UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi on her 65th birthday, saying she was a ''light of sacrifice'' and that the people of Tamil Nadu had great love and affection for the Gandhi-Nehru family.
In a fax message to Gandhi, the DMK president also praised her, saying the Congress-led UPA under her guidance was providing good governance.
''You have been proving to the nation that you are a historic light of sacrifice, guiding the destiny of the nation. People of Tamil Nadu have great love, affection and respect for the Gandhi-Nehru family,'' he said.
He said by her ''concern'' and continuous work for the welfare of the people, she had ''enhanced'' the love and support of people for the UPA.
''Under your dynamic guidance and meaningful monitoring, the UPA government at the Centre has been providing good governance and resolving the problems of the masses to ensure peaceful and satisfying living for the people,'' he said.
Karunanidhi wished Gandhi a very long life of happiness and contentment on his behalf as well as the people of the state. The DMK is a key ally of the Congress and UPA constituent.
In a fax message to Gandhi, the DMK president also praised her, saying the Congress-led UPA under her guidance was providing good governance.
''You have been proving to the nation that you are a historic light of sacrifice, guiding the destiny of the nation. People of Tamil Nadu have great love, affection and respect for the Gandhi-Nehru family,'' he said.
He said by her ''concern'' and continuous work for the welfare of the people, she had ''enhanced'' the love and support of people for the UPA.
''Under your dynamic guidance and meaningful monitoring, the UPA government at the Centre has been providing good governance and resolving the problems of the masses to ensure peaceful and satisfying living for the people,'' he said.
Karunanidhi wished Gandhi a very long life of happiness and contentment on his behalf as well as the people of the state. The DMK is a key ally of the Congress and UPA constituent.
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