This Article is From Jun 25, 2013

Sounds of approaching choppers, the soundtrack of hope and wait

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Shastradhara helipad, Dehradun: The sound of an approaching helicopter sparks a frenzy of activity at the Shastradhara helipad in Dehradun.

28-year-old Tejas Agarwal is one of those who rushes towards the approaching helicopter but is held back by a police cordon.

Anxiety is clear on his face as he jostles in the crowd for a better view of those emerging from the chopper.

"Netas!" He exclaims almost in chorus with those around him. Quickly the crowd turns around to go back to the waiting shed where authorities have stuck lists of those rescued.

"I have been here for almost a week, I have spoken to my 60-year-old parents who are stuck in Badrinath but they still haven't evacuated them," he tells me.

The son of a Gujarati businessman from Ahmedabad, Tejas tells me that he has brought Rs 5 lakh to charter a rescue flight for his parents but right now all helicopters are flying under the coordination of the Uttarakhand government and none available for individual charters.

He's still one of the lucky ones, there are many who haven't heard from their loved ones since last weekend when tragedy struck.

Sunil from Madhya Pradesh hasn't heard from his wife or children who had gone to Kedarnath on the 16th. "The list they have of the rescued is incomplete, it just has first names of people and in a few cases where they are from as well. There are, for example, 10 people named Mukesh. How do I know which one is he?" says Sunil.

There are several like Sunil between hope and despair. Many know the longer the delay, slimmer are the chances of finding survivors. But as each helicopter lands, people rush may bring with it their loved ones or atleast information that they are safe.
