Police in Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, have booked two senior students as well as college authorities for the suicide of a first-year student allegedly after being harassed by his seniors.
The deceased was a 21-year-old engineering diploma student in Hamirpur.
He had reportedly committed suicide by hanging himself from a ceiling fan in his rented accommodation on Thursday night.
He had also given a written complaint to the college principal naming two of his seniors who were involved in ragging but no action was taken.
According to reports, he had been in a disturbed state of mind for quite some time after he was allegedly threatened by his seniors.
A case under sections 3, 4 and 5 of the Himachal Pradesh Educational Institution provisions of ragging act has been registered and also under section 306 (abettment to suicide) under Indian Penal Code against the accused. The college however has claimed that the two accused were outsiders and not their students.
The deceased was a 21-year-old engineering diploma student in Hamirpur.
He had reportedly committed suicide by hanging himself from a ceiling fan in his rented accommodation on Thursday night.
He had also given a written complaint to the college principal naming two of his seniors who were involved in ragging but no action was taken.
According to reports, he had been in a disturbed state of mind for quite some time after he was allegedly threatened by his seniors.
A case under sections 3, 4 and 5 of the Himachal Pradesh Educational Institution provisions of ragging act has been registered and also under section 306 (abettment to suicide) under Indian Penal Code against the accused. The college however has claimed that the two accused were outsiders and not their students.