BJP MP Sunny Deol and actor Karisma Kapoor have been acquitted in a 22-year-old case of illegally pulling an emergency chain of a train while shooting for a film. The two Bollywood actors had challenged in a sessions court in Rajasthan a railway court's order for framing charges against them.
Additional district judge Pawan Kumar granted relief to Mr Deol and Ms Kapoor on Friday, AK Jain, the lawyer for the two actors, said on Saturday.
The actors were accused of illegally pulling the chain of train 2413-A Uplink Express, which led to its delay by 25 minutes.
The lawyer said the charges were initially read out against both the actors in 2009, which they challenged in a sessions court in April 2010.
Though the sessions court acquitted both the actors, the railway court on September 17 again framed charges against the two, following which the actors pleaded in the district and sessions court, Mr Jain said.
Besides Mr Deol and Ms Kapoor, stuntman Tinu Verma and Satish Shah were also accused in the case. But they had not challenged the charges against them in the sessions court in 2010.
The then assistant station master Sitaram Malakar of Narena had filed the complaint with the General Railway Police.
In 1997, Mr Deol and Ms Kapoor, along with other crew members, were shooting for "Bajrang" at Sanvarda village near Phulera in Ajmer district.
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