The Gauhati High Court on Tuesday slapped a fine of Rs 50,000 on famed tutor Anand Kumar of the "Super 30" programme for failing to appear in court in connection to a plea filed by four students of IIT Guwahati who have accused him of cheating. The court had earlier asked Mr Kumar to appear today in connection with the case.
According to court sources, a bench comprising Chief Justice Ajai Lamba and Justice Achintya Malla Bujor Barua directed Mr Kumar to be present before the court on Thursday, the next date of hearing.
Anand Kumar is presently out of country, sources further added.
In 2018, four students of IIT-Guwahati filed a PIL that Anand Kumar is creating a 'false impression' that he helps poor student with tuitions. They alleged that when a poor student lands in Patna, where Mr Kumar runs his famous Super 30 programme, he has to shell out money. Apparently, the students had gone to enroll for Mr Kumar's programme but instead they were admitted to a coaching institute called Ramanujan School of Mathematics. They are also allegedly charged Rs 33,000 per head as tuition fees.
Apart from Mr Kumar, the court has issued notice to and senior IPS officer Abhayanand, who started Super 30 along with him in 2002. The duo parted ways in 2008.
The centre run by the mathematician nurtures talented students from underprivileged sections for admission in India's premiere IITs by providing them free of cost residential coaching.
The charitable venture claims to have churned out hundreds of successful IIT aspirants since it was established nearly two decades ago.
Actor Hrithik Roshan-starrer biopic on the same name was based on life and achievements of Mr Kumar.
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